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Amitabha, also known as Amitāyus or Amida Buddha, is a central figure in the Pure Land Buddhism tradition. Pure Land Buddhism originated in ancient India and later spread to East Asia, particularly China, Japan, and Korea.

Amitabha is revered as a celestial Buddha who presides over the Pure Land, a heavenly realm or buddha-field, known as Sukhavati or the Land of Bliss. In Pure Land Buddhism, devotees aspire to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land after death, where they can continue their spiritual journey towards enlightenment.

The Pure Land tradition emphasizes the importance of faith and devotion to Amitabha Buddha. Practitioners often recite his name or chant specific mantras, such as the “Namo Amituofo” in Chinese or “Namo Amida Butsu” in Japanese, as a form of meditation and to cultivate a deep connection with Amitabha. The goal is to establish a karmic relationship with Amitabha, who is believed to guide and support practitioners in their quest for liberation.

Amitabha is described as having infinite compassion, wisdom, and enlightened qualities. His Pure Land is said to be a realm of great beauty, free from suffering, where practitioners can be reborn and progress swiftly towards enlightenment under Amitabha’s guidance.

It is important to note that Amitabha and the Pure Land tradition hold a significant place within Mahayana Buddhism, which is one of the major branches of Buddhism. However, other branches of Buddhism may have different interpretations and practices surrounding the concept of Amitabha.

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