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The Chinese zodiac, also known as Shengxiao, is a 12-year cycle that assigns an animal symbol to each year. The zodiac is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and astrology, and each animal is believed to have certain characteristics and influences on the individuals born in that year. Here are the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac in the order of their appearance in the cycle:

Rat: People born in the Year of the Rat are considered to be intelligent, quick-witted, adaptable, and resourceful. They are often good at seizing opportunities and are known for their charm and social skills.

Ox: Those born in the Year of the Ox are believed to be diligent, dependable, methodical, and hardworking. They are known for their perseverance, loyalty, and practical approach to life.

Tiger: Individuals born in the Year of the Tiger are often characterized as courageous, confident, competitive, and ambitious. They possess strong leadership qualities and are known for their independent nature.

Rabbit: People born in the Year of the Rabbit are typically gentle, kind-hearted, sensitive, and compassionate. They value harmony and often have a refined taste for beauty and aesthetics.

Dragon: Those born in the Year of the Dragon are believed to be powerful, ambitious, confident, and charismatic. They are considered to be natural leaders and often leave a lasting impression on others.

Snake: Individuals born in the Year of the Snake are often seen as wise, intuitive, mysterious, and sophisticated. They possess a deep understanding of human nature and are known for their strategic thinking.

Horse: People born in the Year of the Horse are typically energetic, outgoing, charismatic, and independent. They have a strong sense of adventure and a desire for freedom.

Goat/Sheep: Those born in the Year of the Goat (or Sheep) are often characterized as gentle, mild-mannered, artistic, and compassionate. They possess a strong appreciation for beauty and have a nurturing nature.

Monkey: Individuals born in the Year of the Monkey are believed to be intelligent, witty, inventive, and playful. They have a mischievous side but are also known for their versatility and problem-solving skills.

Rooster: People born in the Year of the Rooster are typically confident, practical, hardworking, and observant. They have a strong sense of timekeeping and are often detail-oriented.

Dog: Those born in the Year of the Dog are considered to be loyal, honest, reliable, and protective. They have a strong sense of justice and are often seen as trustworthy companions.

Pig: Individuals born in the Year of the Pig are believed to be honest, gentle, generous, and easygoing. They possess a love for life’s pleasures and often have a warm and caring nature.

It is important to note that the Chinese zodiac follows a lunar calendar, and the animal signs are associated with the year of birth rather than the exact date of birth. Additionally, there are also elemental associations (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) that further refine the characteristics of each animal sign.

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(G1) Rat (G2) Ox (G3) Tiger (G4) Rabbit (G5) Dragon (G6) Snake (G7) Horse (G8) Sheep (G9) Monkey (G10) Rooster (G11) Dog (G12) Pig

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