Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(G01) Rat Carry Wulou


Material: Resin

Color: Golden/Green

Size: 2.0″L x 1.5″W x 2.5″H

SKU: G01-01 Categories: ,


The phrase “Zodiac Rat Carry Wulou” appears to combine elements from two different cultural traditions: the Chinese zodiac and feng shui.

  1. Zodiac Rat: The Chinese zodiac is a classification system based on a 12-year cycle, with each year represented by a specific animal sign. The Rat is the first animal in the cycle and is associated with traits such as intelligence, resourcefulness, and adaptability. People born in the Year of the Rat are said to inherit these characteristics.
  2. Wulou: The wulou, also known as a gourd or bottle gourd, is a traditional Chinese symbol that is often associated with good luck, health, and protection from negative energies. It is a symbol commonly used in feng shui practices. The shape of the wulou is believed to resemble heaven and earth, symbolizing balance and harmony.

“Zodiac Rat Carry Wulou” could potentially represent an image or artwork featuring a Rat from the Chinese zodiac carrying or holding a wulou. This combination of symbols could be interpreted as a representation of good fortune, protection, and positive energy associated with the Rat zodiac sign and the wulou’s symbolism in Chinese culture.

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