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(A03) Laughing Buddha holding Ruyi & Ingot beside with Money Frog, Wealth Bag & Peach


Material: Resin

Color: Golden

Size: 6.0″L x 6.0″W x 8.0″H

SKU: A03-27 Categories: ,


The Laughing Buddha is a popular symbol in Chinese culture and is associated with good luck, happiness, and abundance. When depicted holding specific objects, such as a Ruyi, an Ingot, a Money Frog, a wealth bag, and a peach, it carries additional meanings related to wealth and prosperity.

  1. Laughing Buddha: Also known as Budai or Pu-Tai, the Laughing Buddha is often depicted as a jolly, chubby monk with a big belly and a laughing expression. He symbolizes contentment, joy, and enlightenment.
  2. Ruyi: The Ruyi is a curved decorative object with a long handle and a head in the shape of a cloud or a lingzhi mushroom. It symbolizes power, authority, and the ability to fulfill wishes. When held by the Laughing Buddha, it signifies the fulfillment of desires and granting of blessings.
  3. Ingot: An ingot is a bar or block of gold or silver, typically used as a form of currency in ancient China. It represents wealth, prosperity, and abundance. When held by the Laughing Buddha, it symbolizes material and financial success.
  4. Money Frog: Also known as the Three-Legged Toad or Chan Chu, the Money Frog is a mythical creature believed to attract wealth and good fortune. It is often depicted sitting on a pile of coins or with a coin in its mouth. When placed beside the Laughing Buddha, it signifies the accumulation of wealth and prosperity.
  5. Wealth Bag: The wealth bag is a small sack filled with treasures, usually carried by deities associated with wealth and prosperity. When displayed alongside the Laughing Buddha, it represents the accumulation and preservation of wealth.
  6. Peach: The peach is a symbol of longevity, immortality, and good health in Chinese culture. It is associated with the Taoist legend of the “Peaches of Immortality.” When included near the Laughing Buddha, it represents good health and well-being.

Overall, when the Laughing Buddha is depicted holding a Ruyi, an Ingot, a Money Frog, a wealth bag, and a peach, it is a representation of the blessings of wealth, abundance, good fortune, and longevity. It is believed to bring financial success, contentment, and overall prosperity to the owner or the environment where it is placed.

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