Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(E09) 12 Feng Shui Coins Tassel


Material: Brass

Color: Coins-Brass Color/ Red Ribbon

Dimension(in): 12 coins tighten @2.75″ diameter /Length 14″

SKU: E09-01 Category:


Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to harmonize individuals with their environment to promote balance, well-being, and positive energy flow. It involves arranging objects and furniture in a way that maximizes the flow of “qi” or life force energy.

The 12 Feng Shui Coins Tassel is a specific Feng Shui remedy or enhancer that consists of a tassel adorned with twelve Chinese coins. The coins used are usually replicas of ancient Chinese coins, which are circular with a square hole in the center. These coins are considered auspicious and symbolize wealth, prosperity, and good luck in Feng Shui.

The 12 Feng Shui Coins Tassel is often used as a Feng Shui cure to attract wealth and abundance into one’s life. It is believed that the sound and movement of the coins as they hang from the tassel can activate positive energies and invite financial opportunities. The number twelve is significant as it represents completion and wholeness in Chinese culture.

To use the 12 Feng Shui Coins Tassel, it is typically hung in a strategic location, such as near the entrance of a home or office, or in the wealth corner of a room. The wealth corner is determined based on the Bagua, a Feng Shui energy map that divides a space into different areas associated with various aspects of life.

By incorporating the 12 Feng Shui Coins Tassel into the environment, it is believed that it can help remove any obstacles to wealth and attract good fortune. However, it’s important to note that Feng Shui is a complex practice with various factors to consider, and the use of specific remedies like the 12 Feng Shui Coins Tassel should be done in conjunction with an overall Feng Shui plan tailored to individual needs.

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