Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(E09) Feng Shui Coins with Ingot Tassel


Material: Copper

Authentic Chinese coins: Ching Style

Size: 1mm thickness, 24mm diameter

SKU: E09-09 Category:


Feng Shui 6 Coins with Ingot Tassel is a popular symbolic object used in Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice that aims to harmonize the energy flow in a space to bring balance, abundance, and positive outcomes. This particular item combines two auspicious symbols: the Chinese coin and the ingot.

The Chinese coin is a traditional currency that is believed to bring wealth and prosperity. It has a square-shaped hole in the center, representing the union of heaven and earth. The circular shape symbolizes the continuous flow of positive energy. Chinese coins are often used in Feng Shui to attract good luck, enhance wealth, and ward off negative influences.

The ingot is a boat-shaped gold or silver object that was historically used as a form of currency in ancient China. It represents wealth, abundance, and prosperity. In Feng Shui, the ingot is a powerful symbol of wealth accumulation and financial success. It is believed to attract money, opportunities, and material blessings into one’s life.

The 6 Coins with Ingot Tassel combines six Chinese coins and a small ingot tied together with a red string or cord. The number six is considered auspicious in Chinese culture as it represents smoothness, stability, and favorable outcomes. The red color is also significant in Feng Shui as it symbolizes good fortune and protection against negative energy.

The purpose of the Feng Shui 6 Coins with Ingot Tassel is to enhance wealth luck, attract prosperity, and promote the flow of positive energy in a space. It can be hung near the entrance of a home or office, on doorknobs, or in wealth corners to activate and amplify the energy associated with wealth and abundance.

It is important to note that while Feng Shui objects like the 6 Coins with Ingot Tassel are believed to have symbolic and energetic significance, their effectiveness ultimately depends on an individual’s belief, intention, and overall Feng Shui practices within a space.

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