Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(E07) Laughing Buddha Key Chain


Material: Wood

Color: Brown

Dimension LxWxH (in): 1.3″ X 0.4″ X 1.6″/Length 3.8″


SKU: E07-03 Category:


A Feng Shui Laughing Buddha Key Chain is a small decorative item that combines the symbolism of the Laughing Buddha with the practicality of a key chain. The Laughing Buddha, also known as Budai or Hotei, is a figure in Chinese folklore and Buddhism who is associated with happiness, abundance, and good luck. He is often depicted as a jovial, bald man with a large belly, laughing heartily.

In Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing the energy in living spaces, the Laughing Buddha is believed to attract positive energy and bring blessings into one’s life. It is believed that having a Laughing Buddha nearby can enhance joy, abundance, and overall well-being.

The Feng Shui Laughing Buddha Key Chain typically features a small statue or charm of the Laughing Buddha, which is attached to a key ring. The key chain can be easily carried or attached to keys, bags, or other personal items. It serves as a portable and accessible way to bring the positive energy and auspicious qualities of the Laughing Buddha with you wherever you go.

People often use Feng Shui Laughing Buddha Key Chains as personal talismans or gifts to wish others happiness, luck, and prosperity. They are commonly found in various materials, such as metal, wood, or resin, and may incorporate additional Feng Shui symbols or auspicious motifs.

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