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Year of the Rooster

Chinese Zodiac Rooster Years Chart

Year Date Chinese Zodiac Year
1921 Feb. 08, 1921 – Jan. 27, 1922 Metal Rooster
1933 Jan. 26, 1933 – Feb. 13, 1934 Water Rooster
1945 Feb. 13, 1945 – Feb. 01, 1946 Wood Rooster
1957 Jan. 31, 1957 – Feb. 17, 1958 Fire Rooster
1969 Feb. 17, 1969 – Feb. 05, 1970 Earth Rooster
1981 Feb. 05, 1981 – Jan. 24, 1982 Metal Rooster
1993 Jan. 23, 1993 – Feb. 09, 1994 Water Rooster
2005 Feb. 09, 2005 – Jan. 28, 2006 Wood Rooster
2017 Jan. 28, 2017 – Feb. 15, 2018 Fire Rooster
2029 Feb. 13, 2029 – Feb. 02, 2030 Earth Rooster


The Chinese Zodiac Rooster, also known as the Year of the Rooster, is one of the 12 animal signs in the Chinese zodiac cycle. Each year in the Chinese zodiac is associated with a specific animal sign, and the Rooster represents the tenth position in the cycle. People born in the Year of the Rooster are said to have certain personality traits and characteristics based on the zodiac sign.

Here are some key attributes commonly associated with the Chinese Zodiac Rooster:

  1. Personality traits: Those born in the Year of the Rooster are often described as confident, hardworking, honest, and observant. They are known for their strong sense of responsibility and punctuality. Roosters are also considered to be ambitious and resourceful individuals.
  2. Alertness: Roosters are naturally vigilant and possess keen observational skills. They pay attention to their surroundings and tend to be very alert and quick to respond to any situation.
  3. Expressive and flamboyant: Roosters are often seen as flamboyant and expressive individuals. They have a tendency to be extroverted and enjoy being the center of attention. They are charismatic and have a natural flair for self-expression.
  4. Perfectionism: People born in the Year of the Rooster can be perfectionists. They have high standards for themselves and others, and they strive for excellence in everything they do. This can make them meticulous and detail-oriented.
  5. Confidence and independence: Roosters are known for their self-assured and independent nature. They are self-confident individuals who can take charge and handle responsibilities effectively. They have a strong sense of self and are not easily influenced by others.
  6. Social and friendly: Despite their independent nature, Roosters are also sociable and enjoy the company of others. They can be charming and have good social skills. They value their relationships and tend to have a close circle of friends.
  7. Organized and disciplined: Roosters are typically organized and disciplined individuals. They appreciate structure and order in their lives, and they have a knack for planning and managing tasks efficiently.

In Chinese culture, the Year of the Rooster is believed to bring luck and prosperity. It is also associated with qualities such as loyalty, bravery, and confidence. Each year in the Chinese zodiac is also associated with one of the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water), which further influences the characteristics of individuals born in that year.


Fortune Forecast 2023


In the year of the Rabbit, the Rooster will encounter the 3-killings and the Grand Duke year. You need to carry the annual Tai Sui Amulet 2023 to subdue to negatives effects. A Tai Sui Prayer to help you overcome all unnecessary health issues or place a Kuan Yin Amulet Charm in your car to protect against Natural Disaster Star. You can also carry the 3-Trinity Coins or the Piyao Crystal Necklace to maximize some good fortune luck.

In Chinese astrology, the Rooster is associated with the metal element. Here’s a general overview of the fortune forecast for the Chinese Zodiac Rooster in the year 2023:

Overall, the year 2023 could bring a mixed bag of opportunities and challenges for Roosters. The Rooster’s hardworking and disciplined nature will be important assets during this period.

Career: Roosters may encounter some obstacles and competition in their professional endeavors. It is crucial to stay focused, maintain a positive attitude, and persevere. With determination and strategic planning, Roosters can overcome challenges and achieve their career goals.

Finance: Financially, Roosters may need to exercise caution and make wise decisions. There could be fluctuations in income and unexpected expenses. It’s advisable to budget carefully, avoid impulsive spending, and consider seeking professional advice when making significant financial decisions.

Relationships: In terms of relationships, Roosters may experience some ups and downs. Communication and understanding will be vital to maintain harmony in personal relationships. Single Roosters may have opportunities to meet new people and form meaningful connections. Existing partnerships may require open and honest communication to resolve conflicts.

Health: Roosters should pay attention to their physical and mental well-being. Stress and anxiety may arise due to work pressure or personal challenges. Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and practicing relaxation techniques can help manage stress and promote overall health.

Personal Development: The year 2023 may present opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement. Roosters can explore new interests, acquire new skills, or pursue educational endeavors. Engaging in activities that promote personal development can be fulfilling and beneficial in the long run.

Overall, the year 2023 for Roosters may require perseverance, adaptability, and the willingness to embrace change. By staying focused, maintaining a positive mindset, and making wise choices, Roosters can navigate through the year and make progress towards their goals.


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