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Year of the Dragon

Chinese Zodiac Dragon Years Chart

Year Date Chinese Zodiac Year
1928 Jan. 23, 1928 – Feb. 09, 1929 Earth Dragon
1940 Feb. 08, 1940 – Jan. 26, 1941 Metal Dragon
1952 Jan. 27, 1952 – Feb. 13, 1953 Water Dragon
1964 Feb. 13, 1964 – Feb. 01, 1965 Wood Dragon
1976 Jan. 31, 1976 – Feb. 17, 1977 Fire Dragon
1988 Feb.17, 1988 – Feb. 05, 1989 Earth Dragon
2000 Feb. 05, 2000 – Jan. 23, 2001 Metal Dragon
2012 Jan. 23, 2012 – Feb. 09, 2013 Water Dragon
2024 Feb. 10, 2024 – Jan. 29, 2025 Wood Dragon


The Chinese Zodiac Dragon is one of the twelve animal signs in the Chinese zodiac cycle. It is a legendary creature that holds significant cultural and astrological symbolism in Chinese tradition. The Dragon is the fifth animal in the zodiac cycle and is associated with the celestial branch represented by the character “辰” (Chen).

In Chinese astrology, each animal sign is believed to have certain characteristics and traits that influence the personality and destiny of individuals born under that sign. People born in the Year of the Dragon are said to embody the qualities associated with this powerful and mythical creature.

Here are some key characteristics often associated with the Chinese Zodiac Dragon:

  1. Strength and Power: Dragons are considered symbols of strength, power, and good fortune. They are seen as mighty and influential beings.
  2. Ambitious and Confident: Dragon-born individuals are believed to be ambitious, self-assured, and highly confident in their abilities. They possess a strong desire for success and are often seen as natural leaders.
  3. Charismatic and Charming: Dragons tend to be charismatic and charming individuals who can captivate others with their magnetic personalities. They possess a natural allure and are often popular among their peers.
  4. Courageous and Fearless: Dragons are known for their bravery and fearlessness. They are not afraid to take risks and face challenges head-on, which often leads them to achieve great accomplishments.
  5. Independent and Determined: Individuals born in the Year of the Dragon are often independent and have a strong sense of determination. They prefer to follow their own path and make their own decisions.
  6. Creative and Imaginative: Dragons are associated with creativity and imagination. They have a keen artistic sense and can excel in various artistic and creative endeavors.
  7. Impulsive and Hot-Tempered: While Dragons possess many positive traits, they can also be impulsive and quick-tempered. Their passionate nature may lead to occasional conflicts or misunderstandings.

The Year of the Dragon occurs every twelve years in the Chinese zodiac cycle and is considered an auspicious year associated with good luck and prosperity.


Fortune Forecast 2023


The Dragon in the year of Rabbit will face with the 3 killings stars and will encounter a year of many arguments and slanders. You need to carry your zodiac friend the Monkey Charm. Carry a Tai Sui Amulet 2023 for protection against all kinds of negative energies. For wealth display a Laughing Buddha Statue in the South direction of your home or wear a 5-Golden Pigs Bracelet.

The Dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese Zodiac cycle and is considered a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. However, it’s important to note that the individual’s personal circumstances and actions play a significant role in determining their overall fortune.

In the year 2023, Dragons may experience a mix of positive and challenging aspects. Here are some general predictions:

  1. Career and Finance: Dragons may face increased opportunities and challenges in their careers. There could be chances for professional growth, promotions, or new ventures. However, it’s crucial to maintain focus and perseverance to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Financially, Dragons may need to be cautious with their investments and avoid impulsive decisions.
  2. Relationships: Dragons may experience improvements in their personal relationships. It could be a good time for romantic relationships, marriage, or expanding the family. However, Dragons should also pay attention to communication and avoid conflicts by being patient and understanding.
  3. Health: Dragons should prioritize their health and well-being in 2023. It’s important to maintain a balanced lifestyle, including regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient rest. Stress management and relaxation techniques can also be beneficial.
  4. Personal Growth: Dragons may have opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement. This could involve learning new skills, pursuing hobbies, or taking up challenging projects. Dragons should embrace these opportunities to develop their abilities and broaden their horizons.


View other Zodiacs.




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