Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(E02) Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) Metal Charm


Material: Metal
Color: Bronze
Dimension LxWxH (in): 1.5×0.75×0.4/ length 6.5
SKU: E02-06 Category:


The term “Feng Shui Piyao Charm” refers to a combination of concepts from Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese practice that seeks to harmonize individuals with their environment, and the Piyao, a mythical creature in Chinese culture believed to bring good luck and wealth.

Feng Shui is an ancient art and science that originated in China over 3,000 years ago. It is based on the idea that the arrangement of objects and the flow of energy, known as chi or qi, in a space can have a positive or negative impact on one’s life. Feng Shui principles are used to create balanced and harmonious environments that promote well-being, prosperity, and success.

The Piyao, also known as Pi Xiu or Pi Yao, is a celestial creature in Chinese mythology. It is often depicted as a winged lion with the body of a lion or a dragon. The Piyao is believed to possess the ability to attract and accumulate wealth, ward off evil spirits, and bring good fortune to its owner. It is considered a powerful symbol of protection and abundance.

A Feng Shui Piyao Charm combines the principles of Feng Shui with the symbolism of the Piyao. It is a charm or ornament that is designed to harness the positive energy and auspicious qualities associated with the Piyao. People often place these charms in their homes or workplaces to attract wealth, enhance financial luck, and protect against negative energies. Feng Shui Piyao Charms can come in various forms, such as statues, figurines, pendants, or jewelry. They are believed to bring positive energy and blessings into the lives of those who possess them.

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