Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(E01) Pair Slipper Charm


Material: Jade
Color: Light Green
Dimension LxWxH (in): 1.25×0.6×0.25/Length6.0


SKU: E01-20 Category:


Feng shui is a traditional Chinese philosophy that focuses on creating harmony and balance in the environment. It is based on the belief that the arrangement and organization of objects within a space can affect the flow of energy, known as “qi,” and consequently influence various aspects of one’s life, including health, wealth, and relationships.

In feng shui, specific objects or symbols are often used to attract positive energy or repel negative energy. One such symbol is the pair of slipper charm. Slippers, in this context, symbolize comfort, relaxation, and ease. The pair of slipper charm is believed to bring harmony and tranquility to a space, promoting a sense of well-being and peacefulness.

The pair of slipper charm is typically displayed in areas associated with rest and relaxation, such as bedrooms or living rooms. It can be represented through various means, such as decorative figurines, artwork, or actual pairs of slippers placed in a deliberate manner. The intention is to create an atmosphere of relaxation and encourage the flow of positive energy, contributing to a balanced and harmonious environment.

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