Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(E09) Golden Wealth Tiger Tassel


Material: Zinc Alloy

Dimension: Total length approx. 10inch, Coin Width:1.8in(Approx.)


SKU: E09-10 Category:


In Feng Shui, the term “Feng Shui Tiger” refers to a symbolic representation of a tiger used to enhance specific energies in a space. In Chinese, it is written as “风水虎” (fēng shuǐ hǔ). The word “Fook” in Chinese (written as “福”) means “blessings” or “good fortune.” A “Fook Tassel” is a decorative item commonly used in Feng Shui, consisting of a tassel with various auspicious symbols, including the “Fook” character, to attract positive energy and good luck. The tassel is often hung in homes, offices, or cars to harness positive chi (energy) and invite blessings into one’s life.

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