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(E06) Double Piyao Citrine Wealth Charm


Material: Citrine


SKU: E06-01 Category:


Feng Shui Double Piyao Citrine Charm refers to a specific combination of auspicious symbols and materials used in Feng Shui practices. Let’s break down the components:

  1. Feng Shui: Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and science that aims to harmonize individuals with their environment. It focuses on arranging objects and structures in a way that promotes positive energy flow, balance, and good fortune.
  2. Double Piyao: Piyao, also known as Pixiu or Pi Yao, is a mythical creature in Chinese culture that is believed to attract wealth, good luck, and protection. It resembles a winged lion with a dragon’s head and possesses a voracious appetite for gold and silver. Piyao is commonly depicted in pairs, and the Double Piyao symbolizes a harmonious and balanced flow of wealth energy.
  3. Citrine: Citrine is a type of quartz crystal known for its yellow to golden-brown color. In Feng Shui, citrine is considered a powerful crystal that symbolizes abundance, wealth, and prosperity. It is believed to enhance financial luck, attract success, and promote positive energy flow.
  4. Charm: The Double Piyao Citrine Charm refers to a small decorative object or amulet that combines the energy of the Double Piyao and citrine crystal. It is typically crafted as a charm or pendant that can be carried or displayed in various ways, such as on a necklace, bracelet, or keychain.

By combining the auspicious symbolism of the Double Piyao, which represents wealth and protection, with the energetic properties of citrine, the Double Piyao Citrine Charm is believed to attract abundance, ward off negative energies, and enhance financial well-being in Feng Shui practices. It is often used as a personal talisman or a decorative item in homes or offices to invite positive energy and good fortune.

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