Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(E03) Horse Carrying Ingot Charm


Material: Wood Style
Color: Brown Wood Color
Dimension LxWxH (in): 1.5 x 0.5 x 1.5, 6.0 (Length)


SKU: E03-01 Category:


The Feng Shui Horse carrying Ingot Charm is a symbolic object used in Feng Shui, a Chinese philosophical system that aims to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. This charm combines two potent symbols, the horse and the ingot, to attract abundance, wealth, and success.

  1. Horse: In Feng Shui, the horse represents strength, speed, and perseverance. It symbolizes an upward journey and is associated with career advancement, opportunities, and triumph over obstacles. The horse is believed to bring vitality and energy into one’s life.
  2. Ingot: The ingot is a traditional Chinese symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is a gold or silver bar-like object used as currency in ancient times. The ingot represents material abundance, financial stability, and the accumulation of wealth. It is often depicted with a square or rectangular shape and is associated with good fortune and prosperity.

When the horse is depicted carrying the ingot, it signifies the horse’s ability to bring wealth and success into one’s life. The combination of these two symbols is believed to enhance career luck, attract business opportunities, and promote financial growth. It is often used as a Feng Shui remedy or a decorative item to invite prosperity and good fortune.

People often place the Feng Shui Horse carrying Ingot Charm in their homes, offices, or business establishments, preferably in areas associated with wealth and success, such as the wealth corner (southeast) or the office desk. The charm is intended to harness the positive energy of the horse and the ingot, creating a harmonious environment that supports financial prosperity and career advancements.

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