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Year of the Sheep / Goat / Ram

Chinese Zodiac Sheep Years Chart

Year Date Chinese Zodiac Year
1931 Feb. 17, 1931 – Feb. 05, 1932 Metal Sheep
1943 Feb. 05, 1943 – Jan. 24, 1944 Water Sheep
1955 Jan. 24, 1955 – Feb. 11, 1956 Wood Sheep
1967 Feb. 09, 1967 – Jan. 29, 1968 Fire Sheep
1979 Jan. 28, 1979 – Feb. 15, 1980 Earth Sheep
1991 Feb. 15, 1991 – Feb. 03, 1992 Metal Sheep
2003 Feb. 01, 2003 – Jan. 21, 2004 Water Sheep
2015 Feb. 19, 2015 – Feb. 07, 2016 Wood Sheep
2027 Feb. 06, 2027 – Feb. 25, 2028 Fire Sheep


The Chinese Zodiac Sheep, also known as the Chinese Zodiac Goat or Chinese Zodiac Ram, is one of the 12 animal signs in the Chinese zodiac system. In Chinese culture, the zodiac is based on a 12-year cycle, with each year associated with a specific animal sign. The Sheep is the eighth animal in the cycle.

People born in the year of the Sheep are believed to possess certain characteristics and traits associated with this animal. Here are some common attributes associated with the Chinese Zodiac Sheep:

  1. Gentle and Calm: Individuals born under this sign are often perceived as gentle, kind, and calm. They tend to have a peaceful and harmonious nature.
  2. Creative and Artistic: Sheep individuals are often known for their creativity and artistic talents. They may excel in various artistic endeavors, such as painting, music, or writing.
  3. Compassionate and Sensitive: People born in the Year of the Sheep are believed to be compassionate and empathetic towards others. They are often caring and considerate of people’s feelings.
  4. Reserved and Shy: Sheep individuals tend to be more introverted and reserved. They may appear shy or hesitant in social situations, preferring quieter and more intimate settings.
  5. Family-oriented: Family and home are important to Sheep individuals. They value their relationships with loved ones and often prioritize their family’s well-being.
  6. Indecisive: Sheep individuals may struggle with decision-making and often prefer to weigh all options before making a choice. They may seek reassurance or guidance from others in order to make decisions.
  7. Patient and Loyal: People born in the Year of the Sheep are known for their patience and loyalty. They can endure challenges and difficulties with resilience and remain committed to their goals.

It’s important to note that while the Chinese zodiac is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and astrology, not everyone born in the Year of the Sheep will perfectly embody these characteristics. Individual personalities can vary greatly, influenced by various factors such as upbringing, environment, and personal experiences.


Fortune Forecast 2023


In the year of Rabbit, the Sheep need to be careful of the health, it is necessary to hang a Kuan-Yin Talisman Charm and the 6 Metal Coins in the SW direction of the room and wear a Black Obsidian Kuan Yin Buddha Bracelet to subdue the illness star #2. Wear a crystal Medicine Buddha Necklace to keep your life force strong.

In Chinese astrology, the Year of the Sheep (or Goat) is associated with people born in 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, and so on. Please note that Chinese astrology is based on a 12-year cycle, so the specific forecast for each individual year can vary.

The Year of the Sheep is generally considered to be a fortunate and harmonious year for those born under this zodiac sign. Here are some positive aspects you might expect:

  1. Career: Sheep individuals may experience progress and success in their careers. Opportunities for advancement or recognition might arise, and their hard work and dedication could be rewarded.
  2. Finances: Financial stability is possible for Sheep individuals in 2023. However, it is still important to maintain a balanced approach to money matters and avoid impulsive decisions.
  3. Relationships: Sheep people may enjoy positive and harmonious relationships in the Year of the Sheep. This could apply to both personal relationships and interactions within the workplace or social circles.
  4. Health: Overall, the health outlook for Sheep individuals in 2023 is favorable. However, it’s always important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management.


View other Zodiacs.




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