Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(E02) Dragon Tortoise Metal Charm


Material: Metal
Color: Bronze
Dimension LxWxH (in): 1.0″×1.0″x1.5″ / Length 6.5″


SKU: E02-02 Category:


The Feng Shui Dragon Tortoise Charm is a symbolic object used in Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to harmonize individuals with their environment. It combines the auspicious qualities of the dragon and the tortoise, two powerful creatures in Chinese mythology, to bring good luck, protection, and prosperity.

The dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. It is associated with success, wealth, and positive energy. In Feng Shui, the dragon is believed to bring auspicious chi (energy) and protect against negative influences. It is also associated with the element of water, which represents wealth and abundance.

The tortoise, on the other hand, is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, and protection. It is believed to possess the secrets of heaven and earth and represents stability, support, and grounding energy. In Feng Shui, the tortoise is associated with the element of earth, which signifies stability and nourishment.

When the dragon and the tortoise are combined in the Feng Shui Dragon Tortoise Charm, it creates a powerful symbol that balances the energy of yin and yang, water and earth, and wisdom and strength. This charm is often depicted as a dragon with a tortoise shell on its back or as a dragon and a tortoise intertwined together.

The Feng Shui Dragon Tortoise Charm is believed to attract good luck, wealth, and prosperity while providing protection and support. It is commonly used in homes, offices, and businesses to enhance positive energy, promote harmony, and invite good fortune. Placing it in specific areas, such as the wealth corner or near the main entrance, is believed to amplify its benefits.

It is important to note that Feng Shui is a complex practice with various interpretations and schools of thought. The use of Feng Shui charms, including the Dragon Tortoise Charm, is based on the belief that certain objects and symbols can influence the flow of energy in a space and positively impact the lives of those residing or working there.

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