Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(I01) Convex Baqua (6″)


Material: Wood
Color: Yellow
Size: 6.0″


SKU: BGA906 Category:


Placing a Convex Bagua on the front entrance door refers to the practice of placing a specific type of feng shui tool, called a Bagua mirror, on or near the front door of a building. The Bagua mirror is a round mirror with an octagonal frame that is divided into eight sections, each representing a different aspect of life.

The Convex Bagua mirror is believed to have the ability to repel negative energy, also known as “sha chi,” and promote positive energy flow, known as “qi.” It is often used in feng shui to protect a home or building from harmful influences, such as sharp corners or negative energy from neighboring structures or the environment.

When placed on the front entrance door, the Convex Bagua mirror is typically positioned with the reflective side facing outward. The octagonal frame is designed to disperse and neutralize negative energy, while the reflective surface is believed to deflect it away from the entrance. This is thought to create a harmonious and protective energy field around the building and its occupants.

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