Good Fortune Feng Shui & Gifts

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(E11) Fortune Cat Green Tassel


Materials: Ceramic/Ribbon

Color: Green

Dimension(in): Cat/0.75×0.75×0.75/Length 5.5


SKU: E11-01 Category:


The Feng Shui Fortune Cat Tassel is a decorative item that combines the elements of Feng Shui and the popular symbol of the Fortune Cat, also known as Maneki-neko in Japanese culture. Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy that focuses on harmonizing energy flow in the environment to bring good luck, prosperity, and overall well-being.

The Fortune Cat is a traditional Japanese talisman believed to bring good luck and fortune to its owner. It is often depicted as a cat with one paw raised in a beckoning gesture. The raised paw is believed to attract wealth and good fortune into one’s life. The cat is usually adorned with various accessories like a collar, bell, and sometimes a coin or gold ingot.

The Fortune Cat Tassel combines the symbolic power of the Fortune Cat with additional Feng Shui elements to enhance its positive effects. The tassel is typically made of red string or cord, which is considered auspicious in Chinese culture. The color red is associated with luck, happiness, and good fortune. The tassel may also incorporate other traditional Feng Shui symbols like auspicious coins, Chinese knots, or various gemstones, each with its own significance in attracting positive energy and fortune.

People often hang the Feng Shui Fortune Cat Tassel in their homes, offices, or vehicles to invite good luck, wealth, and prosperity. It is believed to ward off negative energy, obstacles, and misfortune while attracting abundance and success. The tassel can be hung in various locations, such as doorknobs, windows, or rearview mirrors, where it can catch the wind or movement, further activating its positive energy.

Overall, the Feng Shui Fortune Cat Tassel serves as a decorative and symbolic charm, combining the charm of the Fortune Cat and the principles of Feng Shui to bring positive energy and good fortune into the lives of its owners.

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