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(A02) Laughing Buddha with Five Kids


Material: Resin

Color: Multicolor

Size: 8.0″L x 7.0″W x 5.0″H

SKU: A03-28 Categories: ,


The Sitting Laughing Buddha with five kids around refers to a specific depiction of the Laughing Buddha, a popular symbol in Chinese and Buddhist culture representing happiness, prosperity, and abundance. In this particular portrayal, the Laughing Buddha is depicted in a seated position, often with his large belly exposed and laughing joyfully.

The Sitting Laughing Buddha is commonly depicted surrounded by five children or disciples. The children are often shown playing around him or sitting close by, symbolizing the blessings of fertility, good fortune, and harmony in family life.

This representation of the Laughing Buddha with five kids around is believed to bring good luck, happiness, and harmony to a household. It is often displayed in homes, businesses, or temples as a reminder of the importance of contentment, laughter, and the blessings of family and abundance.

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