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Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs


The Twelve Chinese Zodiac, also known as Shengxiao, is a classification system that assigns an animal to each year in a 12-year cycle. These zodiac signs are deeply rooted in Chinese astrology and folklore. Each animal sign is believed to have certain characteristics and influences on a person’s personality and destiny.

Here are the twelve Chinese zodiac signs in the order of their appearance in the cycle:

  1. Rat: People born in the Year of the Rat (鼠) are considered clever, quick-witted, and resourceful. They are adaptable and often possess leadership qualities.
  2. Ox: Those born in the Year of the Ox (牛) are known for their diligence, determination, and strong work ethic. They are reliable, patient, and tend to approach tasks methodically.
  3. Tiger: People born in the Year of the Tiger (虎) are characterized by their bravery, competitiveness, and self-confidence. They are often seen as natural leaders with a strong sense of charisma.
  4. Rabbit: Those born in the Year of the Rabbit (兔) are generally gentle, compassionate, and sensitive individuals. They value peace and harmony and tend to be good listeners.
  5. Dragon: People born in the Year of the Dragon (龙) are associated with power, strength, and good fortune. They are ambitious, charismatic, and often viewed as natural-born leaders.
  6. Snake: Those born in the Year of the Snake (蛇) are often seen as wise, intuitive, and mysterious individuals. They possess a deep understanding of human nature and are known for their analytical thinking.
  7. Horse: People born in the Year of the Horse (马) are characterized by their energy, independence, and a strong desire for freedom. They are hardworking, adventurous, and often enjoy being in the spotlight.
  8. Goat/Sheep: Those born in the Year of the Goat (or Sheep) (羊) are generally gentle, kind-hearted, and creative individuals. They value harmony and have a strong aesthetic sense.
  9. Monkey: People born in the Year of the Monkey (猴) are known for their intelligence, curiosity, and quick wit. They are innovative, adaptable, and have a mischievous side to their nature.
  10. Rooster: Those born in the Year of the Rooster (鸡) are characterized by their confidence, flamboyance, and punctuality. They are often seen as hardworking individuals with strong attention to detail.
  11. Dog: People born in the Year of the Dog (狗) are loyal, honest, and possess a strong sense of justice. They are reliable, faithful, and often have a protective nature.
  12. Pig: Those born in the Year of the Pig (猪) are generally sincere, generous, and easy-going individuals. They value relationships and are known for their kindness and understanding nature.

Each zodiac sign is believed to have its own set of strengths, weaknesses, and compatible animal signs, creating a complex system that is widely followed and consulted in Chinese culture.


The Selection & Arrangement of the 12 Zodiac Animals

The selection and arrangement of the 12 zodiac animals are said to be based on the active time of each animal during a day. The period from11:00 pm to 01:00am is the Chinese hour of Zi, during which the mouse gets most active. During the Chinese hour of Chou, i.e. the period of 01:00am and 03:00am, the ox is chewing the cud. In the Yin hour, which is from 03:00am to 05:00am, the tiger is loitering and seeking food. This is the time of day the tiger becomes most ferocious. The time period between 05:00am and 07:00am is called the hour of Fan. During this time, the sun is not out yet and the moon is in the sky. The Jade Rabbit in the moon is said to be busy pounding medicine in a mortar.
When the hour of Chen, 7:00am to 9:00am, arrives, it’s time for the divine dragon to control the rain. The period between 9:00am and 11:00am is called the Si hour, during which the snake becomes active. The Wu hour, which is between 11:00am and 01:00pm, the world abounds in the energy of yang. It’s time for the heavenly horse to soar across the sky. The period from 01:00pm to 03:00pm is the Wei hour, during which the sheep is eating grass and it’ll grow stronger. The Shen hour is from 03:00pm to 05:00pm. The monkey gets active during this period. When the You hour, i.e. 05:00pm to 07:00pm, comes, the rooster begins to return to its cage. The period from 07:00pm to 09:00pm is the Xu hour, during which the dog keeps watch. And the period between 9:00pm and 11:00pm is the Hai hour. During this period, everything is quiet and the pig is fast asleep.



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