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Little New Year

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Chinese Xiaonian, also known as “Little New Year” or “Minor New Year,” refers to a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 23rd or 24th day of the twelfth lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Xiaonian literally translates to “small year” and marks the beginning of the preparations for the Chinese New Year, which is the most important and widely celebrated festival in China.

Xiaonian is considered a prelude to the Chinese New Year, and it is observed with various customs and traditions. People clean their houses thoroughly to sweep away bad luck and make way for good fortune in the coming year. They also hang red couplets and paper decorations on doors and windows to welcome the arrival of the New Year.

Another significant activity during Xiaonian is the making and eating of “nian gao,” which is a type of sticky rice cake. The pronunciation of “nian gao” sounds like “year high” in Chinese, symbolizing a prosperous and successful upcoming year. Families gather together to make and enjoy this traditional delicacy.

In addition, some people visit temples and pray for blessings and good luck in the New Year. It is also common to light firecrackers and fireworks to drive away evil spirits and bring joy and excitement to the festive atmosphere.

Chinese Xiaonian is an important occasion for families to prepare and welcome the Chinese New Year, and it sets the stage for the elaborate celebrations that follow.


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