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Red Cinnabar Kwan Yin


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Red Cinnabar Kwan Yin Pendant 

This is a fine quality Chinese Cinnabar Lacquerware in stunning vermilion color carved with the image of a Kwan Yin.

Kuan Yin is one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition. Known by different names in different lands, such as Avalokiteshvara in the ancient Sanskrit language of India, Chenrezig in Tibet and Kannon in Japan, Kuan Yin is the embodiment of compassionate loving kindness. As the Bodhisattva of Compassion, she hears the cries of all beings. According to legend, Kwan Yin vowed to remain in the earthly realm and not enter the heavenly world until all living things had become enlightened and liberated from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. To symbolize this she is often pictured carrying the Pearl of Illumination.

Lacquerware has been made in Chinese history since 200 B.C. by using lacquer harvested from the sap of a Lacquer tree native to Southern China. It takes up months for a piece of Cinnabar lacquerware to be completed because many coats of lacquer are required to create the desired thickness that can be carved and each layer must dry before the next layer can be applied. Because of the tedious process, Cinnabar lacquer wares would fetch a higher price. Cinnabar is usually used as the coloring pigment because of its durability and beautiful vivid red to orange color – a favorite color of the Chinese. Cinnabar also has significance in Taoist culture, and was regarded as the color of life and eternity.

Material: Cinnabar Lacquerware

Color: Red

Dimension LxWxH (in/cm):1.3×0.5×1.7 Length12/3.2×1.3×4.3Length29.4

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